Happy New Year.
An alternative message for the brave.
The year ahead will be whatever it will be, influenced by our own actions and desires, and enhanced or squashed by the desires and actions of others.
It's there for the taking and making, so let's mould it into a reality dream and steer our course toward the unknown until we get to know it, then change course to the edge of the world and jump off.
There lies the truth.
Join me, my lemming friends and experience the true weightless joy that only a bottle of eau de vie can provide. Prune. 35yrs old. Crystal clear and dangerous.
Cheers me dears. I hope the year brings you many bottles of eau de vie so that you can bring them to gigs and give them to me.
I now know the meaning of life. I read the message in the bottle and will now live by that wisdom. I know. I am drinking in tongues.
Cheers and much love to you all,
Peter x
Posted by Peter Knight on January 1st 2019