A window Of Opportunity

I have been working solidly since the beginning of January, and have at last found a bit of time to stay in touch with those who make it possible for me to do what I do. That's you, Playing to empty halls is sort of OK, but it's not sustainable for the band, promoters and those who work to put the gigs on. 

To play the music that I love to play is reward enough for me, but we have to be realistic. As long as I am relying on those who put the gigs on, then I have to understand their part in keeping music live. Well done promoters and agents and managers and roadies and humpers and publicists and friends who help. There are others. Thanks to all.

My part in all this seems to be the easy bit in comparisson. I empty my head of reality, and enter that place that finds the music. Running away. Getting lost. It's a weird thing.

I am having such a good time at the moment. Recording the CD 'Well Met' with John Spiers was such a joy, and the tour that followed took the music to a place that confirmed our desire to do more. We are playing some gigs in December this year, including tunes and songs that have a festive link. John knows so many tunes. Not only that, he knows the names of the tunes too. What a guy. We have blocked off March 2019 for our second tour.

The Feast of Fiddles tour this year was one of the best for me. For my solo slot I played Eb English, a tune that I recorded way back then in the States for Shanachie Records on 'An Ancient Cause' cd.  It's developed since then, and well done everyone on the gig for making it work. Dave Harding on Bass, Alan Whetton on keys and Dave Mattacks on kit in particular. Thanks guys.

Today Gigspanner have been rehearsing. What a great day. Sacha has been playing Bass guitar on a couple of new tracks and it's just brilliant. What a great player he is. His Bass playing is rhythmycal and melodic, More please. Another rehearsal day tomorrow in preparation for the beginning of the trio tour,

All good. See you on tour womewhere if you can make it to a gig.

Best wishes,


A big PS. I can't leave it at that without mentioning the Gigspanner Big band gigs that we have just played. To have Phil and Hannah play with us is superb. There are so many moments that fill (Phil) me with overwhelming pleasure, that I don't know where to start in trying to describe them. I can't. You have to catch a gig. We are paying a few festivals this year, and we are out on tour again in November this year. It really is worth a watch and a listen. The interplay between us is how it should be. If you want to check out the Big Band Live cd, it's in the shop as we speak.  On a personal note, thanks for supporting the music I am involved in at any given time. I see some of the same faces at the gigs I do with whoever, and that's brilliant. They love the same music I do. Brilliant. That's it. 

Posted by Peter Knight on May 1st 2018

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